I would say I have always had an impulse to help, although I haven't always been sure how. I grew up on a dairy farm in Ohio and remember sitting with calves my dad brought from the barn to our basement to get warmer. Through the years I have accompanied Central American refugees, high risk pregnant women, school students and their families, and hospice patients and families as a social worker, psychotherapist, and hospice chaplain.
He acompanado gente que hablan espanol por medio de consejeria pastoral, trabajo social, y cuidado paliativo en Colorado, Indiana, Tejas, Washington, D.C., y Michigan. I have accompanied Spanish-speaking people in pastoral counseling, social work, and hospice care in Colorado, Indiana, Texas, Washington, D.C., and Michigan.
During my years working as a therapist with refugees in Washington, D.C., I could see how trauma (often from years before) still affected people's thoughts and behavior. I have been interested in trauma and recovery ever since.
Durante mis anos trabajando como terapista con refugiados en Washington, D.C. pude ver como el trauma (muchas veces originando de anos anterior) afectaba pensamientos y comportamiento. He estado interesada en el trauma desde ese tiempo.
My years in the mental health field have led me to massage work. I trained as a massage therapist to offer body-oriented assistance for people working through their grief and trauma. I am curious about how our memories and emotions live in our bodies. Some bodyworkers say, “the body remembers what the mind forgets.” I want to help the two reconnect. (https://www.integrativehealthcare.org/mt/muscle-memory-trauma-and-massage-therapy/)
Mis anos trabajando con la salud mental me han guiado al trabajo de masaje. Entre mi entrenemiento en masaje para ayudar a gente caminando con la pena y la trauma por medio del cuerpo. Estoy curiosa sobre como nuestros memorias y emociones viven in nuestros cuerpos. Algunos terapistas dicen, 'el cuerpo recuerda lo que la mente se olvida.' Yo quiero ayudar los dos a integrar. (https://www.integrativehealthcare.org/mt/muscle-memory-trauma-and-massage-therapy/)
Trauma and grief affect our bodies, usually in hidden ways such as chronic muscle tightness and chronic pain. I am intrigued with the power of massage to help us heal through safe touch, relaxing our muscles, and keeping our mind focused on our body for an hour. My approach is developed from Peter Levine's book Waking the Tiger and Dr. Bessel van der Kolk's book The Body Keeps the Score. There are ever-continuing discoveries about how our brains and emotions are interconnected. It's fascinating! And it gives hope for finding ways through our pain, whatever its source.
La trauma y la pena afectan nuestros cuerpos en maneras escondidos, como tension muscular y dolor cronico. Estoy interesada en el poder que el masaje tiene para ayudarnos a sanar por medio de tacto seguro y relajacion. Mis mentores son los autores Peter Levine (Despertando el Tigre) y Dr. Bessel van der Kolk (El Cuerpo Guarda la Partitura). Siempre hay nuevos descubrimientos de como nuestros cerebros y emociones son integrado. Me fascina! Y me da esperanza para poder encontrar rutas al otro lado de nuestro dolor.
I have held my Michigan Massage Therapy license since 2023, and moved to Kalamazoo in the fall of 2024. I am happily getting to know the caring people here as well as the Michigan waters and landscapes that drew me here.
Obtene mi licencia de masaje en Michigan desde 2023. Llegue en Kalamazoo en 2024. Estoy muy contenta a conocer la gente carinosa aqui como tambien las aguas y tierra de Michigan que me atrato a moverme aqui.